Hostiles Update for March: The Galactic Mage Book 3 Progress
Progress is coming along nicely for Hostiles, the third book in The Galactic Mage series. I did run into a bit of a delay working on it, as I’ve been a bit caught up in the process of getting an audio book going for The Galactic Mage (book 1). However, that is well...
Hostiles Update for February 27 and a Few Other Tidbits
Hostiles Update Hostiles, book 3 of The Galactic Mage series, began its Version 3.0 phase on Monday. My last Beta reader has been in one of those hectic life places lately, so I’ve decided not to wait given that everyone else finished up nearly two weeks ago. I think...
The Galactic Mage Series: What’s Next and When?
With the successful launch of the second book in the series, Rift in the Races, and book three, Hostiles, coming out later this year, I thought I’d take a moment to share what I envision for the series as it moves forward, and what my plans are around and beyond it....
Rift in the Races Now Available
Rift in the Races Now Available Well, all the parts are in place and its finally ready to go. The book is available for Kindle now (here’s the link right to it) and Nook (link here), and will be shortly for paperback on Amazon. Kindle updates pretty quickly, they said...
Rift in the Races Update and Video Book Trailer Revealed
Well, after a whole year of working on this story, it’s finally ready. The final print files are in and approved, and Fernando is formatting them for Nook and Kindle as I type this. He says he should be done on Saturday, but who knows, maybe we’ll get lucky and it...
Rift in the Races: Front Cover Revealed
I said at one point that I would release the preview of the front cover art for Rift in the Races when I got the proofreader copies in. Well, today I got the proofreader copies, so as a man of my word, here is the front cover (you can see a small and big version in...
Rift in the Races Update: December
Editing is done. Today I finished going through the manuscript. My input on it is basically finished. I wrote it, went through it once after that to make it not grotesquely illiterate, and then gave it to my beta readers to get feedback on the story itself. Is...
Dude You Suck at Updating Your Blog
Yes, I know, I suck at updating my blog lately. I do. I've been a shameful sort of blogger the last month and a half, but I defend myself by pointing out that the only reason anyone ever strolls by my blog is to find out about my books or to be amused by some very...
My Turn at the Blog Hop: The Next Big Thing
A writer friend of mine, Chris Ward, author of The Tube Riders, tagged me in something called a “Blog Hop,” which is a cool new way for writers to talk about their work, support other writers, and help readers find new writers they might not know about. So, in the...
Rift in the Races Progress Update: September
Rift in the Races is now with my editor, and I have begun working on the third book (so that the wait between book 2 and book 3 won’t be anywhere near as long as the time between 1 and 2). My editor says she can have it back to me in eight weeks, which, from the time...