Ilbei Spadebreaker and the Harpy’s Wild Now on Sale
I am happy to announce that the Ilbei Spadebreaker and the Harpy's Wild is out. It’s currently available on Amazon for Kindle and in paperback, and it’s up at Barnes and Noble for the Nook. I will have versions available for Kobo and Google Books and possibly iTunes...
Ilbei Spadebreaker and the Harpy’s Wild – Cover Revealed
It’s time to reveal the full cover on the upcoming Galactic Mage Series prequel Ilbei Spadebreaker and the Harpy’s Wild. I figured since my editor is done, and I’m getting it delivered to proofreaders now, I’m close enough to release to bust out with the whole cover....
Galactic Mage Series Book 4 – February 2014 Progress Update
Alien Arrivals is the title of the new Galactic Mage Series book four, which is expected to be released in late spring or summer of 2014. I had planned on putting it out sooner, but I am working on the whole second trilogy of the series at once, so I really want to...
Rift in the Races Audiobook Is Now Available
The Rift in the Races audio book is now available on Audible.com. It will be up shortly on Amazon and iTunes as well, they just take longer to process. Woot! Go get one, and buy like twenty more and give them to your friends. If you have a hundred friends, that’s even...
How to Get a Zero Masculinity Score
Question: What lasts for 3 minutes and 24 seconds, is full of lies, and damn sure won't please my wife? Close, but that’s not it. Answer: The stupid goddamn "how to" videos I watched that said changing a freaking garbage disposal is easy. I’m serious. I watched two of...
Stop HATING on Thanksgiving … and America, and Me
Well, here it is, two goddamn days before Thanksgiving and people are falling all over themselves to shit on American history. I’ve just seen my third Facebook version of the old: “Oh, those poor Native Americans were so nice when they showed those evil Pilgrim...
On Veterans Day – Thank You for the Freedom to Chase My Dreams
As I sit here in my study this Veterans Day, writing sci-fi and fantasy like I usually do, it struck me how fortunate I am to be, well, sitting here in my study writing sci-fi and fantasy like I usually do. Something was bugging me as I worked—making stuff up, dreamy,...
Let It Burn
Once upon a time, two Americans fought in a burning house. Flames raged all around them, crackling and roaring, pine studs in the walls popping explosively, furniture engulfed and hissing fumes of heated chemistry. The human voices of the belligerents harmonized with...
America and Me. Sigh.
I first noticed her by the dull rumble of her smoker’s voice, low enough that the words disappeared in the same way that whatever a river is saying is lost upon us as we stand upon the bank. But the sound was there, and so I glanced up, saw her, her iPhone wrapped in...
The Galactic Mage Book 4 – Progress Update September 2013
The first draft version of the fourth book in the Galactic Mage Series is done (first draft, not finished novel). As I have mentioned before, the series will be done in trilogies, so basically book 4 is the first of the second series trilogy. Hopefully that makes...