by odesk.jatin | Feb 5, 2012 | Blog
One of the coolest things about writing for profit (or at least, writing in hopes of not losing too much) is that, in rare moments, you get to do things that make it feel like you actually get one over on The Man. You know, stuff that makes it seem like you might...
by odesk.jatin | Jan 28, 2012 | Blog
Well, the book is launched and it’s selling far better than I had hoped, so I am very happy. My first sales goal was to try to get to 1000 copies sold before November (the earliest possible date for the sequel), because having that number—based on what I’ve read—is...
by odesk.jatin | Jan 14, 2012 | Blog
Let me preface this entry by pointing out that, yes, the book is out already. For those paying close attention, they’ll notice it’s NOT the 15th, making, in a way, a lie out of my last entry. So, for the sticklers, I guess I’m a liar. I can live with that. I’m a...
by odesk.jatin | Jan 8, 2012 | Blog
So, I’m pretty damn excited. It’s ONE week from today that the book will come out. Finally this book will be launched and flying. I’ve got all the files set up, I’m waiting for them to clear, become available, … magically manifest in the time it takes for whatever...
by odesk.jatin | Nov 11, 2011 | Blog
My wife has read the book, and she found four errors in the proof copy, in addition to the missing graphic I noticed right off. I’m making the changes this weekend, and we will get a new proof copy ordered next week. Then, I’ll start again, reading through...