Literacy Word of the Day: An Interview with John Daulton

A week or two ago, I got a message through Facebook from Peri Craig who runs a new reader’s community site on Facebook called “Literacy Word of the Day.” The page is dedicated to reading and writing, and seems to me to be evenly weighted in its appeal to both readers...
A Declaration of Pronoun Independence

A Declaration of Pronoun Independence

In MY STUDY. May 19, 2012  A Unanimous DECLARATION of PRONOUN INDEPENDENCE  When in the Course of writing, it becomes necessary for one pronoun to describe the similarities in subject that connect one person with another, and yet still assume the shared experience...
Book Review: A Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin

Book Review: A Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin

Book Review: A Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin I realize I am really late to this party (the book came out in the 1990s), but I usually am with everything reading related—there’s just so much to read, and so little time to keep up, and school set me back on my...
First Draft Done: Round One Revisions Underway

First Draft Done: Round One Revisions Underway

I got to type “The End” on the first draft of the second book in the Galactic Mage Series on Saturday. It felt great. Saturday was a pretty hardcore writing day, too, nearly 9,000 words in one sitting. I was on a tear and really wanted to get it finished, and now it...