The Galactic Mage Gets a Great Review on The Girlie Geek Blog

by | Jan 14, 2012 | Blog

Let me preface this entry by pointing out that, yes, the book is out already. For those paying close attention, they’ll notice it’s NOT the 15th, making, in a way, a lie out of my last entry. So, for the sticklers, I guess I’m a liar. I can live with that. I’m a writer: We drink a lot and we make up stuff and try to get people to read it and give us money. What else would you expect? Besides, all the parts came together sooner than I expected, and, well, there’s really no reason to wait around at that point.

So, that said, I’m pretty stoked right now. People are buying it, the video is getting views, the page on Facebook is getting liked, etc., and I have, at least in part, a great review I got from The Girlie Geek Blog to thank for some of this activity. So, here is my review of her review. (Is that even legal?)

The Girlie Geek is a chick gamer who writes about video games, movies, books (obviously), and other super chick-like stuff like clothes and whatever it is that counts as “sprinkles of girlie cuteness.” And while, for the sake of carrying off my haughty ultra-masculine persona (I have that, right?) I must make fun of the clothing and cuteness part, that aside, she’s actually got a ripping good looking site, and she writes in a style that is definitely accessible to people of any gender. (Hmm, “any gender” makes it sound like there are so many options.) In short, she’s got a great site for starters.

Anyway, she liked my book a lot. At least that’s how I read her review. She gave me a 9 out of 10 review, which in my book (and for it if they were the same book), is awesome. “But wait,” you say, “It’s a 9. Not perfect. You missed one!” Yes, I did. Which means she’s not full of crap. I don’t believe in 10s. If a 10 happens on any 1-t0-10 scale, all room for anything better someday in the future is permanently removed.  A ten, while nice for the recipient, is either a removal of all possibilities of improvement (unlikely) or a statement that the reviewer has no credibility. So, for me, a nine is a perfect review. The best review you can possibly get from a credible reviewer. (Can you see how I was able to make such a nice living as a salesman prior to trying to do the same making up other stuff?).  So, anyway, here’s some bits from my realistically perfect review:

The Girlie Geek wrote, and I quote, “The story felt fresh and unique, the characters were relatable and had depth, the environments were rich and detailed, and the pacing was excellent.”

Oh yeah. Excellent and me in the same sentence. That makes me happy in all my happy places.

She also wrote, “Each character has a depth of emotion and internal struggles that make them feel real.” I loved this focus on character. Genre pieces are so often written off as plot-heavy automatons, so this means a lot to me. Yes, I have an awesome plot, frankly, it’s what I am most proud of, but I killed myself to make sure my characters were not stock.

One of the things I confessed during a recent interview with HubPages about my book (you can read that HERE), was that my characters are “real” to me in a way. They live in my imagination. I spend time with them in a manner of speaking, pretty much all the time. Especially as I’m writing the story, but after too. They aren’t just canned people. They matter to me. I want people to know them, for them to have a “life.” I care about them too much for them to just be stuck in my head alone. (My god, how boring that would be? I am stuck in my head most of the time—it’s a horror I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Why do you think I have to write AND drink?) So, seriously, I’m glad The Girlie Geek connected with my characters the way she did. That’s a great early signal for me, the anxious author with the new release. My characters will get to live outside in the world. They can have friends. Friends like you. (Taot just told me to tell you he says, “Hi.”)

Beyond that, she gave me props for writing a story that would definitely please science fiction and fantasy readers—which I clearly want to do given the nature of the book—but she also wrote, “It seems to me that the author [that’s me] was seeking out a wide and varied audience when he wrote this book and successfully managed to write something that might in fact please them all.” All of them being what I interpret to mean, all people who appreciate a good story, regardless of setting. So, she saw right through me. She GOT it.

I was, and am, trying to do more with the genres, both of them, than what is typically done. I love fantasy, in particular, it’s a great genre, well, its a genre set in a great “place.” The whole (and over-done) conversation around whatever “magical realism” is or isn’t in terms of being legitimate literature or not seems to speak to the fact that, whatever you call it, people like stories that don’t fit into this boring old world we all have to go to work in every day. So, hopefully people who don’t typically even THINK of buying a book with a dragon on the cover, or a space ship . . . (I would have said, “Or a hot chick with a laser pistol,” but I’m pretty sure there aren’t any people who wouldn’t buy a book with that on the cover) . . . I hope curious READERS will try it. It’s not what you think if you think you don’t read “that kind of stuff,” as confirmed by this fine review on The Girlie Geek Blog. So, go have a look, see what she said:

The Girlie Geek Blog

You can buy the book on (paperback or Kindle e-book). HERE

Also available in e-book for Nook. HERE