
Galactic Mage Book Two – Cover Art Underway

So, because I am the luckiest bastard on the planet when it comes to cover artists extraordinaire (took me three stabs to spell that, oh you cursed squiggly red line you!), I can now officially announce that cover art is underway for Rift in the Races (book 2 of The...

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Music for Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction

The topic of “music while you write” came up the other day, so I thought I’d write about it briefly from my experience and then share what songs I've been writing to. In a perfect writing world for me, absolute silence would prevail. I would count the crash of surf or...

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Update on The Galactic Mage Sequel

I've been getting inquiries about the sequel recently, so I thought I’d post a status update here so it’s easy to find. Hopefully this will answer some of the things people are asking for, particularly those who email at night (fantasy and sci-fi readers are such...

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The Galactic Mage Climbing Amazon Top Ten Lists

The Galactic Mage Climbing Amazon Top Ten Lists

What an amazing ride this has turned out to be. What was just a leap of faith has turned into a wild ride that is fun and fascinating. I keep waiting for the bottom to fall out; in fact, I have been afraid to say anything or do anything for two weeks now, so sure that...

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Auction Yard: A New Novella by John Daulton

Auction Yard: A New Novella by John Daulton

My new novella, Auction Yard, is up for Kindle and Nook. I debated making a paperback edition available, but I think I’ll wait until I have a collection of three novellas at least. I think there’s way too much time and expense involved in the paperback version to make...

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