LATEST RELEASE: Book 6 is finally here!

The Galactic Mage – Book 1

Rift in the Races – Book 2

Hostiles – Book 3

Alien Arrivals – Book 4
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It’s Book Blurb Time Again
A few long-time readers will remember back to when the first book, The Galactic Mage, was in progress, back when I was still using the old...
Book Review: Quarter Share, by Nathan Lowell
Book Review: Quarter Share, by Nathan Lowell Nathan Lowell’s novel Quarter Share is a very pleasant read. It’s about a young man named Ishmael (yes,...
Author Nearly Killed in Mutant Bee Attack
So there I was, minding my own business, checking some emails and getting ready to get to work on revising my book, when I hear the bzzz bzzz of my...
Book Review: The Tube Riders, by Chris Ward
Book Review: The Tube Riders, by Chris Ward The Tube Riders is a near-future novel set in a fictitious Great Britain that has been cordoned off from...
Literacy Word of the Day: An Interview with John Daulton
A week or two ago, I got a message through Facebook from Peri Craig who runs a new reader’s community site on Facebook called “Literacy Word of the...
A Declaration of Pronoun Independence
In MY STUDY. May 19, 2012 A Unanimous DECLARATION of PRONOUN INDEPENDENCE When in the Course of writing, it becomes necessary for one pronoun to...