Writers’ Corner
Chat GPT – Using AI to Write Your Blogs and Social Media Marketing
Learn how to use ChatGPT to write blogs and social media content to promote your books and grow your online presence. Good advice for authors wanting to understand AI. Good for any business that needs good content for websites, SEO, Facebook and beyond.
The Secret to a Writing Income: Stop Bullshitting Yourself about Your Art
I wrote a long, gentle, touchy-feely introduction to this like five times, trying to be nice and ease into what I wanted to say. The more gentle I tried to be, the longer it got before I said anything. So, I deleted all that, and this is all the intro you get: If you...
7 Tips for Writing and Publishing Your Book – Practical Stuff I Learned over My First 7 Novels
You don’t have to look very hard to find a zillion articles and blog posts and newsletters and books and YouTube videos filled with all kinds of advice on writing: how to do it; when to do it; why it matters; “art for art’s sake” or “pander to the audience and get...
How to Get a CALL-TO-ACTION Button on Your Facebook Posts
Okay, a lot of new stuff has happened on Facebook in recent months, but I think one of the coolest ones is the ability for pages to now put “Call to Action” buttons on your posts. And I’m talking about your regular old posts not just ad posts. To me, that’s an amazing...
Facebook Pages for Authors and Books: The Funnel Is Your Friend
Introduction I see lots of conversations on writers’ websites and forums about whether or not Facebook is a good place for writers to connect with readers. Many writers just ask if it’s any good for “marketing” or “generating sales.” There are many opinions on that,...