LATEST RELEASE: Book 6 is finally here!

The Galactic Mage – Book 1

Rift in the Races – Book 2

Hostiles – Book 3

Alien Arrivals – Book 4
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A Technological Assault on My Science Fiction Sales: The Ghost in the Gears at Amazon
So there I was, minding my own business—literally, I mean, selling books is my business, and I mind when they don’t sell—and poof, books just...
Music for Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction
The topic of “music while you write” came up the other day, so I thought I’d write about it briefly from my experience and then share what songs...
Update on The Galactic Mage Sequel
I've been getting inquiries about the sequel recently, so I thought I’d post a status update here so it’s easy to find. Hopefully this will answer...
Book Review: Wool, by Hugh Howey
Book Review: Wool, by Hugh Howey I’ll begin this review by saying simply that Hugh Howey’s Wool is a wonderful story, and I had to think very hard...
Fantasy and Science Fiction Book Reviews: A Matter of Industry Respect
Getting book reviews is hard. That’s what I have learned after having my book out for the last two months. And since I’ve spent most of my life in...
The Galactic Mage Climbing Amazon Top Ten Lists
What an amazing ride this has turned out to be. What was just a leap of faith has turned into a wild ride that is fun and fascinating. I keep...