LATEST RELEASE: Book 6 is finally here!

The Galactic Mage – Book 1

Rift in the Races – Book 2

Hostiles – Book 3

Alien Arrivals – Book 4
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Book Review: A Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin
Book Review: A Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin I realize I am really late to this party (the book came out in the 1990s), but I usually am...
First Draft Done: Round One Revisions Underway
I got to type “The End” on the first draft of the second book in the Galactic Mage Series on Saturday. It felt great. Saturday was a pretty hardcore...
Rift in the Races: Draft Progress and Cover Update for April
I took a little five day vacation break, and now that I’m back, I feel refreshed. After three months writing pretty much every day, it was nice to...
Galactic Mage Book Two – Cover Art Underway
So, because I am the luckiest bastard on the planet when it comes to cover artists extraordinaire (took me three stabs to spell that, oh you cursed...
Book Review: The Fringe Worlds – The Human Chronicles, Book One, by T.R. Harris
Book Review: The Fringe Worlds (The Human Chronicles Book One) by T.R. Harris As promised, here is the next installment of my monthly book reviews....
My Take on Indie Publishing – 90 Days After Releasing The Galactic Mage Book One
Well here I sit, exactly three months since putting out my book, and I am completely blown away. I cannot believe how unfathomably cool readers are,...