Galactic Mage – What’s Next?
So barely 10 days past the release of book 6, Alien Outcomes, and I'm already getting asked when's the next one coming. I'm over here like, "The last one was over 700 pages long, gimme some time!" lol. Basically, my idea is that people read the prequels next. The...
Something After All – Rare John Daulton podcast appearance
Well I pretty much figure I have a face for prose, so I keep it that way most of the time. But the COVID19 thing has gotten everyone used to doing video chat and all that rot, so I have gotten more comfortable with that sort of thing too. Not much, but a little. Aya...
Corona Virus – Life on LOCKDOWN
March 18, 2020, Wednesday – Day 1 of lock down Well, they told us to go work from home. So, here I am. At home. I supposed technically I’m not working since I’m writing this, but, I mean, I just thought as a writer I should capture the spirit of this thing. So far, so...
Cover: John Daulton – Something After All
My new novel will be out in the next few days. I thought it would be fun to release the cover early as a teaser, and also as a shout out to Keith at Keith Draws Cover Art, who did it for me. I’m so happy with how it came out. Keith Draws - cover artist - fantasy,...
Misogyny in Video Games: I Went Undercover in Cyber Drag
To begin, if you just want to get to the experiment and data, and aren't interested in my humanist bloviating, just skip down to the pictures and you'll get the gist of it. If you are interested in one moron's human perspective, then read on and let me set this...
How My Fitbit Diet Actually Made Me Take LESS Steps per Day
So everyone is all into this goddamn Fitbit crap. And my fat ass, being fat, obviously was a prime target for Fitbit pimps to try to get me to get on board with this step shit. And I mean, I can stand to drop a few lbs anyway, so whatever. My damn wife got me one of...
A Bug Named Sisyphus
An earwig got into our bathtub somehow. It’s a guest room tub, hardly ever used, and I think they crawl up a drain pipe or something. There are often little spiders or other small insects that get into it. They seldom can get out though, for the sides of the tub are...
Fat Profiling and the Deconstruction of White Male Privilege
So I got fat profiled today at the gym. That was awesome. Not really. Could have gone forever without that happening. Pissed me off, honestly, but I’m trying to move past it. It’s just that it’s kind of messing with me. Profiling is supposed to be for other people....
Who Looks Over the Wall? Seriously. We Need a New 2nd Amendment.
I hate to start a blog post with profanity, but, seriously, who the fuck looks over the wall? Like, everyone knows you don’t do that. Everyone. As in, literally every person on the planet knows this. But it happened anyway. To me. Today. So, to catch you up, here’s...
Finally, a Fitness App That Works for My Fat Ass!!!!!
So I saw this fitness app on the news the other day. They had done a study on a bunch of them and were running down the top five finishers. My Fitness Pal was the winner, best of the lot. Numero uno. There were four other top-notch ones—all great for different...